
Friday, January 24, 2020

Euthanasia and Religion Essay -- Papers

Euthanasia and Religion Some people believe human life is to respect above all other forms of life whilst others believe that all life (both human and non-human species) is to be given equal respect and treated as 'sacred' (special). Most religions believe humans are special. For instance, they teach that we have a soul (a part of us that lives on after death), and that we have been given an opportunity to have a relationship with God. Some religions, such as Judaism and Christianity, also teach that humans have been created in 'God's image'. This means that humans have certain qualities and characteristics that God has (E.g. They can make things, they have the ability to reason things, they were created good). It is also believed that humans have been given a responsibility to look after the world God created. The following passages from the Bible illustrate the special nature of humans 'Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move on the ground. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them' (Genesis 1:26-27) '... What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honour. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet.' (Psalm 8:4-6) Christians also believe God values human life greatly as they believe Jesus came to die to heal the broken relatio... ...e had a pet that developed an incurable illness we would believe it cruel to keep it alive. To stop it suffering and not having a good life we would take it to the vet to have it 'put down'. Yet surely if humans are nothing more than 'cleaver apes' why not 'put humans down' when they develop incurable illnesses or when their quality of life deteriorates? Why do we hold human life special in that we want humans to be treated differently to the way we treat animals? Has evolutionary theory left us with a problem? On the one hand some people want to reject the idea that God exists, and is the creator of humanity, yet on the other hand they want to say that human are different to other 'animals'. Yet is it possible to reject God whilst retaining the view that human life is more valuable than the lives of other 'animals'?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

High School Life Essay

High School, well i can only say that it’s the best experience while i am living in this planet, without high school, well, life is a bit of boring. Some person i met tells me that high school is the best, yeah i agree with them high school is the best, you know why i agree with them because today my college life is sucks, i think it’s too much intro, i will tell how my high school life changed me and why it’s one of the best part i’ll never forget. Being High School is the best part in my school days, more friends is the more happiness you experience but there is always an antagonists that will ruined your day and sometimes they are your teachers but not all the teachers some are in other school, i mean when it comes to a contest proving that who’s the best school in your small baryo, and including some of your friends that will not complete their day without teasing you and bullying you. Life through high school is an extraordinary feeling of every teenager that’s goes through it. People say that high school s the most exciting and happiest moments on a student’s life. I actually didn’t believe that before because I was in high school and doing many assignments and projects. I hated doing those because it took away the time that I suppose to be having fun. When I became a senior in high school that’s when I started to think that I guess those people were right. My parents to started to asked me about college and my plans after high school. I used to tell them â€Å"later† because I didn’t want to face the fact that I’m growing up. High school is a world where you no longer be treated as a child. This is the time when girls start to wear make up and boys turns into men. My high school life wasn’t always fun. I remembered those days that stayed up late to study for exams, tests and quizzes and writing research pap ers. It was also the time to meet new friends and build a friendship and shared laughter, cried together and had our moments.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Learning Behaviors And Their Own Way Of Learning Specific...

Every individual has their own way of learning specific behaviors. Some behaviors are learned through teaching while other behaviors are learned unknowingly. Unknowingly, meaning not anticipating on automatically learning something; however becoming involved in a specific kind of environment. Many people learn behaviors from the environment that surrounds them and some people learn behaviors from people who influence them outside of their comfort zones. Some people admire change and adapt quickly while others take a while to become accustom to change. Many individuals learn new things in different ways. Often times growing up, a child learns their spoken language through their parents and family members. For a child that is Spanish, he or she learns from the womb to speak Spanish and as they become introduced to different languages that surround them, they become accustomed to multiple languages. When a person grows up in a specific environment, they learn to adapt to those beliefs whether its religion or what is considered to be acceptable in their daily life; however some children as they get older begin to follow their own beliefs set aside from their parents beliefs. Each and every culture is taught differently and because of that some people don’t necessarily understand the reason behind everyone’s beliefs; however from a personal perspective some people grow out of beliefs into their own overtime. An example is those who grow up being taught to follow a specificShow MoreRelatedThe Behavior And Positive Behaviors1134 Words   |  5 Pagesthat records a specific behavior or incident, Antecedents (what happened before), the Behavior, and the Consequences (what happened after). 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